Flying over the Tatras

An unforgettable view of snow-capped peaks, a peaceful glide through the air, and an experience you’ll only have in winter. Now at a discounted price of €298 until the end of March!

Let balónom ponad Tatry.
Let balónom ponad Tatry.

Flying over the Tatras

An unforgettable view of snow-capped peaks, a peaceful glide through the air, and an experience you’ll only have in winter. Now at a discounted price of €298 until the end of March!

Where you can fly everywhere by balloon

About the company

We are pleased to be a team of Košice balloonists in several places

ADS ballooning s.r.o. Košice has been on the market since 1998 and was founded by a club of a few enthusiasts who were fascinated by ballooning. Today we are a professional licensed company, the largest hot air balloon operator in Slovakia with a strong foreign partner Flaggl Ballooning GmbH from Austria. Your safety comes first with us, that’s why our people and balloons meet strict safety requirements.


Sale of balloons


Balloon operation and service

Enjoy an unforgettable experience