I. General provisions
- The company ADS ballooning, s.r.o., ID No.: 36 187 321, with its registered office at Jačmenná 10, 040 01 Košice, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Košice I, sec. 10626/V (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) is authorised for special operation and sightseeing flights by hot air balloons (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”).
- These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) regulate the contractual relations and define the rights and obligations between ADS ballooning and the customer of the service, or a third party,
for whose benefit the service is ordered or who uses the service (hereinafter referred to as “the client”). All such contractual relations are governed by the General Binding Laws of the Slovak Republic and these GTC. - These GTC are published on the website of the operator – www.balon.sk.
II. Establishment of the contractual relationship
- The contractual relationship between the operator and the client is established by the payment of a deposit or the full purchase price of the service.
- By ordering the service, the client agrees that his/her personal data will be stored by the operator in accordance with the relevant data protection laws. The Operator hereby undertakes to use this data only for its own use and not to resell it to third parties.
III. Withdrawal from the contract
- When purchasing a balloon ticket service via the Internet, the client has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the day following the date of conclusion of the contract, unless the proper provision of the service has occurred earlier. After this period, the client is only entitled to withdraw from the contract if, despite the duly concluded contract, there has been another serious breach of contract by the operator and the remedy has not been carried out despite the client’s prior written notice within a reasonable period of time left to the operator for this purpose. Upon cancellation of the contract, the ticket shall lose its validity. The client is not entitled to withdraw from the contract after the ticket has lapsed, unless otherwise stated in the GTC.
- If the client withdraws from the contract, the operator shall refund the payment without undue delay, at the latest within 14 days from the date of receipt of the client’s notice of withdrawal from the contract. The operator shall preferably use the method used by the client for payment for the services, unless compelling circumstances prevent this or unless the operator and the client have agreed otherwise.
- In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the client must inform the operator of his withdrawal from the contract in the form of a unilateral legal act (letter sent by post or e-mail).
IIII. Subject matter of the contract
- The subject of the contract is the operator’s obligation to provide the client with a balloon flight under the terms and conditions set out in the order and order confirmation and under the terms and conditions set out in these GTC.
- The balloon flight includes a flight of about 1 hour and the baptism of the first years with the issuance of a baptismal certificate of the airman. The duration of the flight can be shortened or extended by the decision of the pilot or balloon commander, depending on the meteorological and local conditions, without any compensation for the price.
- The client is entitled to use the balloon flight service:
only after presenting a valid ticket, proof of payment or a valid certificate / voucher to the intermediary company that has a cooperation agreement with the operator, - during the validity period of the ticket – unless otherwise agreed by the parties,
- on the terms and conditions published in the specific offer and/or on the ticket. The Client takes the purchased flight at his/her own risk.
- The client is entitled to use the balloon flight service:
V. Price of balloon flight
- The price list for balloon flights is always available on the operator’s website – www.balon.sk. The price of the balloon flight is always indicated on the tax document or on the advance invoice, depending on the specific contract. The price is always inclusive of the applicable VAT rate.
- The client is obliged to pay the full price of the balloon flight to the operator no later than 24 hours before the date of the flight, unless otherwise agreed.
- The price for the balloon flight can only be paid by the client by the methods indicated on the operator’s website www.balon.sk. Payment in cash is possible only upon personal collection at the operator’s headquarters.
- The price for the balloon flight outside the balloon flight itself includes: baptism of the first-born, transport by escort vehicle from the landing site back to the launch site and statutory insurance for passengers.
- If the client claims a discount on the price of the balloon flight, he/she is obliged to notify the operator in advance when booking. If he fails to do so, the operator may not accept the discount. Individual discounts for balloon flights cannot be combined and/or aggregated with other discounts.
- The ticket price is calculated per person up to 120 kg. If the weight exceeds the specified weight, there is a 50% increase to the price of the purchased ticket.
VI. Ticket
- The client can order a balloon flight / ticket via the e-shop on the website www.balon.sk, by phone, e-mail, in person at the operator’s headquarters, or can purchase a voucher from the contracted dealers.
- The ticket can be picked up by the client in person at the operator’s headquarters or at the contractual partners, it can be sent to the client by mail or electronically. The Operator shall not be liable for any delays caused by distribution.
- The ticket entitles the client to a balloon flight at the location specified in the ticket. An additional change of the launch location is possible by agreement with the operator.
- The ticket is non-refundable. In exceptional cases the ticket can be cancelled. The cancellation fee is
50% of the ticket price. In this case, the money is paid to the buyer. - The ticket is transferable unless otherwise agreed by the parties. In the event that the client appoints a substitute person for him/her for the balloon flight, the operator shall not charge any additional fees.
VII. Ticket validity
- The validity of the ticket is 1 year from the date of sale to the client. If the balloon flight is purchased as part of a promotion published by the operator, the launch location and/or the validity of the ticket may be limited.
- The validity of vouchers purchased from the operator’s contractual partners is limited in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contractual partners.
- If no flight dates have been booked during the validity period of the ticket, the ticket will be forfeited at the end of the validity period and can no longer be redeemed or extended.
- The validity of the ticket can be extended by the operator in exceptional cases, which the operator will confirm by mail or in writing. The extension of the validity of the ticket is subject to the booking of a minimum of three flight dates by the client during the validity period of the ticket.
- If a flight duly booked under these terms and conditions is not operated due to inclement weather on the flight, the operator shall offer the client an alternative date within the validity period of the ticket, if this is possible for capacity reasons, or extend the validity of the ticket for the necessary time. The client may book an alternative flight date during the validity period of the ticket or within the extended validity period.
- If the client does not show up for the flight according to these GTC, or if he/she does not cancel the reservation at least 48 hours before the flight, the ticket will be forfeited and he/she will not be entitled to a refund of the ticket price or to any compensation from the operator.
- The ticket is transferable.
VIII. Booking a flight date
- The client will arrange the flight date with the operator after the conclusion of the contract / payment for the balloon flight:
– via the booking form on the operator’s website
– by phone on the operator’s telephone number for balloon flight bookings, which is indicated on the operator’s website and/or on the ticket,
– by e-mail on the operator’s e-mail addresses indicated on the operator’s website
and/or on the ticket. - The operator will confirm the reservation of the balloon flight date to the client by phone or e-mail.
- The booked date will be confirmed afterwards depending on the weather forecast or balloon capacity (if applicable).
- The operator may also cancel the balloon flight on the day of the launch if the current weather conditions are not suitable for a safe flight. The Client hereby acknowledges that precipitation, excessive wind, poor visibility as well as warning weather forecasts preclude the flight. For this reason, the operator advises the client that the decision to make the flight is solely at the discretion of the pilot or balloon commander, including at the launch site immediately prior to the launch, based on the current weather conditions, in accordance with all safety considerations and legal regulations. The operator decides the launch site.
- If the balloon flight does not take place on the agreed date due to unsuitable weather conditions or if the balloon is not full (if applicable), the client will sign up for another flight date.
- In accordance with suitable weather conditions and the capabilities of the operator and the client. If the client is unable to participate in the flight on the agreed date for serious reasons, he/she shall notify the operator of this fact at least 24 hours before the flight is scheduled to take place. If the client fails to do so, he/she shall be obliged to appoint a substitute for himself/herself or forfeit the ticket. Compelling reasons are considered to be health reasons or “vis major” events. If the client does not show up for the start of the balloon flight after confirmation of the flight, the ticket is also forfeited.
- In the event that the operator discovers that at least 24 hours prior to the flight the full purchase price for the balloon flight has not been paid and the parties have not agreed otherwise, the operator shall be entitled to cancel the agreed date without refund.
IX. Restrictions
1. Health limitation
1.1. Z bezpečnostných dôvodov sa letu balónom nemôžu zúčastniť tehotné ženy, deti do 12 rokov a nižšie ako 130 cm a osoby, ktoré nemôžu počas celého letu stáť. Klienti mladší ako 15 rokov môžu letieť iba v sprievode zákonného zástupcu, alebo dospelej osoby, ktorá za neho prevezme zodpovednosť, s písomným súhlasom zákonného zástupcu. Klienti vo veku 15 – 18 rokov môžu letieť po predložení písomného súhlasu zákonného zástupcu. Smerom nahor nie je veková hranica obmedzená, rozhodujúci je však individuálny fyzický a zdravotný stav klienta. Pasažier je povinný uviesť pravdivý údaj o zdravotnom stave. 1.2. V prípade, že má klient pravidelné a závažné zdravotné problémy, alebo ak sa lieči na choroby srdca, krvného obehu, respiračné ochorenia, alebo zníženú pohyblivosť, prevádzkovateľ odporúča konzultáciu klienta s lekárom. Všetci klienti sú prevádzkovateľom pred letom informovaní o možných rizikách a základných pravidlách správania sa počas letu balónom. Starší klienti by sa mali počas rozhovoru s operátorom prevádzkovateľa informovať o možných rizikách. 1.3. Prevádzkovateľ prostredníctvom pilota alebo veliteľa balóna môže realizáciu letu odmietnuť, ak existuje podozrenie, že klient(-i) sú pod vplyvom alkoholu, drog alebo iných omamných látok.
2. Weight restrictions
2.1. Klient s hmotnosťou vyššou ako 120 kg je povinný pred rezerváciou termínu letu oznámiť túto skutočnosť operátorovi prevádzkovateľa, ktorý pri danom lete zníži kapacitu o jednu osobu. Klient súčasne doplatí (v prípade, že už tak neurobil) + 50% z ceny už zakúpenej letenky. 2.2. Prevádzkovateľ môže vyžadovať informáciu o hmotnosti pasažiera, ktorá je nevyhnutná pre prípravu balóna a vykonania bezpečného letu. Pasažier je preto povinný uviesť pravdivý údaj o telesnej hmotnosti (+/- 5 kg).
3. Important information and warnings
3.1. V záujme bezproblémového a bezpečného letu musia byť všetky pokyny pilota alebo veliteľa balóna rešpektované.
3.2. Ak klient bude súhlasiť, môže sa spolu s pilotom a posádkou balóna zúčastniť na príprave k letu a na činnostiach po pristátí balóna. 3.3. Pri preprave na miesto štartu, pri štarte, počas letu a predovšetkým pred pristátím, počas pristátia a pri preprave z miesta pristátia na miesto stretnutia dá pilot klientovi pokyny, ako sa má chovať. 3.4. Prevádzkovateľ upozorňuje, že v sprievodnom vozidle majú miesto iba klienti. Priatelia, známi alebo rodinní príslušníci môžu nasledovať sprievodné vozidlo vlastným autom. V niektorých odôvodnených prípadoch je nutné, aby sprievodné vozidlo pri odvoze balóna zišlo z cesty na pole alebo lúku. V týchto prípadoch je nutné, aby ďalšie vozidlá ostali na ceste.
4. Clothes and luggage
4.1. Odporúča sa pohodlné športové oblečenie a pevná obuv. Oblečenie a obuv môže byť počas letu a pristátia znečistené. V koši balóna počas letu nedochádza k zmene teploty oproti teplote na zemi, preto nie je potrebné špeciálne alebo teplejšie oblečenie. 4.2. V prípade, že oblečenie a obuv sú neprimerané na absolvovanie letu, môže pilot klienta z letu vylúčiť. 4.3. Fotografovanie a filmovanie počas letu balónom je povolené iba pre potreby domáceho videa pre vlastnú potrebu. Komerčné filmovanie a vyhotovovanie fotodokumentácie je možné realizovať iba za vopred a zvlášť stanovených podmienok prevádzkovateľom. Za kamery, okuliare, fotoaparáty, a iné osobné veci klienta prevádzkovateľ nenesie zodpovednosť. Ak si klient uvedené predmety vezme so sebou na let, zodpovedá za ich bezpečnosť sám počas celého letu, t.j. vrátane prípravy, štartu, letu, pristátia, ako aj počas jazdy autom na miesto štartu a z miesta pristátia späť na miesto stretnutia. Za poškodenie predmetov a zranenia spôsobené predmetmi niektorého z účastníkov ručí pasažier, ktorý vzal tieto predmety so sebou. 4.4. Podľa platnej legislatívy v oblasti letectva sú klienti povinní podrobiť sa bezpečnostnej prehliadke, aby sa vylúčila možnosť prepravy nebezpečných predmetov (zbrane, výbušniny, horľaviny, atď.).
X. Insurance
- Each passenger is insured in accordance with applicable law.
- Insured events and injuries must be reported immediately to the pilot/commander of the balloon or to the operator.
XI. Execution of the flight by another company
- In individual cases, the operator may entrust the flight to another supplier company that also operates hot air balloon flights and meets the same legal requirements of the Civil Aviation Act. The liability in this case shall be assumed by the entrusted company and the pilot.
XII. Termination of the Contract
- In the event that the client does not use the balloon flight before the expiry of the ticket, the contract will be terminated without any right to a refund of the purchase price paid.
- The contract is terminated before the expiry of the ticket validity period without any right to a refund of the purchase price paid if: a) the client fails to appear on the agreed date for the balloon flight without excuse or justification, b) the client cancels the agreed flight date less than 48 hours before the flight without appointing a replacement, c) the client is excluded from the flight by the pilot or balloon commander due to suspicion, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants or for unsuitable clothing and footwear, d) a passenger who arrives on the agreed date for a balloon flight is excluded from the carriage for safety reasons in accordance with these GTC and does not designate a substitute person for him/her.
XIII. Application of liability for defects
- The operator is responsible for ensuring that the service is provided in a manner that complies with the requirements of generally binding legislation. The Client is entitled to complain about any defective performance in the manner specified in the GTC.
- A valid and effective contract between the client and the provider is a prerequisite for a claim. The client is entitled to make a complaint about the ordered services with the responsible person or in writing at the operator’s registered office, electronically – at the e-mail address balon@balon.sk, or at the telephone number
0911 166 333. - In the complaint, the client shall indicate in particular the name and surname, ticket number and describe in detail the nature of the defect complained of. The client is also entitled to provide additional information that will help the investigation of his/her complaint, as well as his/her preferred method of complaint handling.
- The Client is obliged to claim the services immediately after delivery of the defective performance. Immediately upon receipt of the ticket (invoice), the Client is also obliged to check the data contained therein. Defects that are not pointed out by the client even within 14 days from the date on which the client could have identified them, the operator is not obliged to take them into account and the client loses the right to a change or compensation.
- The possibility of claiming does not apply to services that have not been properly ordered, paid for and/or booked.
- Orders are non-binding for the operator until they are paid and confirmed by the operator. The client is not entitled to any compensation from the order.
- The operator is not liable for the actions of the client that led to the fact that the services could not be properly provided, in particular, it is not liable for the late booking of the date of the service, which prevented its provision, as well as for other obstacles that led to the cancellation of the reservation by the client.
- In the event that the provision of the booked service is cancelled due to technical failure, adverse weather and the associated risk to the safe provision of the service, the client is entitled to make a new booking at a date within the validity period of the ticket.
- If the provision of the ordered service is denied or interrupted for reasons on the client’s side, in particular if the client is found to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances that make the provision of the service unsafe for the client or third parties, or if it turns out that the client does not meet the requirements necessary for the provision of the service (in particular height, age, weight, etc.), the client shall not be entitled to compensation.
- The operator shall investigate the content of the complaint as soon as possible, but at the latest within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, and shall issue a confirmation to the client of the receipt of the complaint. The Operator shall then inform the Client without delay of the outcome of the complaint as well as of any possible compensation options.
- In the event that the complaint is accepted, unless otherwise stated in the GTC, the client has the priority right to the immediate removal of the defect by providing a new date for the use of the ordered services. In the event of a repeated justified complaint, and also in cases where the operator and the client expressly agree, the client is entitled to withdraw from the contract with the operator and demand a refund of the price paid.
XIIII. Privacy Policy
- By placing an order, the client gives the operator express consent to the application of the GTC and also to the processing of personal data about the client, which the client has provided in accordance with Act 122/2013 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended.
- Personal data in the scope of name, surname, residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, age, weight, medical capacity are collected exclusively for the purposes specified in the contract and the GTC, while the controller processes only such personal data that correspond in their scope and content to the purpose of their processing and are necessary for its achievement. Personal data shall be processed in a manner that prevents their unauthorised disclosure to third parties and that is consistent with the purpose for which the personal data were collected.
- The personal and billing data necessary for communication with the client will be used exclusively for the purposes of the ordering system, for internal analyses and analyses used to evaluate the system. Client contact data is primarily used to ensure the fulfilment of the operator’s contractual obligations as well as to inform clients about future offers and promotions, provided that they have given their consent to this.
- The Client, in his/her capacity as data subject, has the right to request corrections and modifications to the personal data concerning him/her, as well as the right to request their destruction or deletion from the Controller’s databases, at the earliest, however, after the expiry of the ticket (in particular, its use).
XV. Final Provisions
- The legal relations between the client and the operator are governed by the law of the Slovak Republic.
- If any provision of the GTC or the Contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions thereof.
- The Operator reserves the right to change the GTC, which are effective for clients from the moment of their publication on the Operator’s website. Clients with whom the Provider has already concluded a contract, but who have not yet used the performance under it, are entitled to express their disagreement with the new version of the GTC without undue delay. If the contract is terminated with immediate effect, the client is entitled to a refund of all benefits provided up to that point. The change to the GTC shall come into effect on the date specified in the GTC, unless the Client terminates the contract or otherwise agrees with the Operator.
- By placing an order, the client accepts without reservation all provisions of the GTC, including all terms and conditions relating to price, etc., unless otherwise demonstrably agreed in a particular case.
- The GTC are valid with effect from 1.1.2018.